The Best Toothpaste Ingredients To Look Out For


Choosing the best toothpaste ingredients is one of the most important things you can do for the health of your mouth. Your toothpaste’s components can significantly impact your oral health, and with the growing trend of DIY toothpaste, more people are looking for healthier, safer alternatives. Understanding what goes into your toothpaste helps avoid harmful chemicals and allows you to use natural ingredients for their beneficial properties. This shift towards making your own toothpaste not only allows for customization based on personal needs and preferences but also ensures you’re using substances that promote oral health without the risks associated with commercial brands. As we explore the best toothpaste ingredients for DIY options, keep in mind that the right mix can lead to a healthier smile and a more informed approach to dental care.

Why Choose DIY Toothpaste?

Choosing to make your own toothpaste isn’t just a fun DIY project; it’s a decision that puts your health and safety first. Many commercial toothpastes include ingredients that raise eyebrows, from harsh abrasives that can wear down enamel to artificial colors and flavors that do nothing for dental health. By selecting the best toothpaste ingredients for your DIY mix, you’re taking control of what goes into your body. This allows you to avoid substances like Triclosan, a known hormone disruptor, and sodium lauryl sulfate, which can cause canker sores in some people. Plus, when you use the best toothpaste ingredients, you’re not just dodging potentially harmful chemicals; you’re also tailoring your dental care to suit your specific needs, enhancing both oral health and overall well-being. 

Toothpaste ingredients

The Best Toothpaste Ingredients

When crafting DIY toothpaste, choosing the best toothpaste ingredients is crucial for optimizing oral health while ensuring safety and effectiveness. Here’s a rundown of the best toothpaste ingredients that deserve a spot in your homemade toothpaste:

  • Coconut Oil: Known for its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil is fantastic for maintaining a healthy oral microbiome. It can help combat harmful bacteria and promote a balanced environment in your mouth, making it a staple ingredient for those looking to enhance their oral health naturally.
  • Trace Mineral Drops: Remineralizing teeth is key to preventing cavities and maintaining strong enamel. Trace mineral drops are an excellent addition to DIY toothpaste, providing essential minerals needed for tooth remineralization and overall dental health.
  • Crushed Cacao Nibs: Surprisingly, cacao nibs are one of the best toothpaste ingredients for natural remineralization, outperforming fluoride without the associated risks. Cacao contains compounds that strengthen enamel, making your teeth more resistant to decay.
  • Bentonite Clay: With its gentle polishing action and alkaline properties, bentonite clay effectively cleans teeth while neutralizing harmful acids in the mouth. It’s also packed with minerals that contribute to tooth and gum health.
  • Xylitol: This natural sweetener does more than just improve taste; it actively fights against cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. Xylitol helps reduce harmful bacteria levels, decreasing the risk of dental decay and promoting a healthier oral environment.
  • Baking Soda: A well-known ingredient for oral care, baking soda’s alkaline nature helps neutralize acids, protecting enamel from erosion. Its mild abrasiveness also helps to remove plaque without damaging the teeth, making it an essential component of any homemade toothpaste.

Ingredients to Avoid in Toothpaste

While scouting for the best toothpaste ingredients for your DIY mix, it’s just as crucial to know which ones to steer clear of. Many commercial toothpastes are packed with substances that might do more harm than good for your oral and overall health.

  • Triclosan: Once common in toothpaste for its antibacterial properties, Triclosan has been linked to hormone disruption and is no longer seen as safe by many health organizations.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): This foaming agent can cause canker sores and irritation in some people, making it a less desirable ingredient in your oral care routine.
  • Artificial Colorings: These are purely cosmetic and offer no benefits to oral health. Worse, they’ve been connected to hyperactivity in children and other health issues.
  • Fluoride: While fluoride is celebrated for fighting cavities, it’s toxic in high doses and has sparked debate over its safety in toothpaste. The risk of fluorosis and other health concerns make it a controversial choice.

Titanium Dioxide: Used to make toothpaste white, titanium dioxide doesn’t contribute to dental health and has raised safety concerns, especially regarding its absorption by oral tissues.

home made toothpaste
Image from the coconut mama

DIY Recipe Using The Best Toothpaste Ingredients

Making your own toothpaste is simpler than you might think, and it allows you to control exactly what goes into it. Here’s a straightforward recipe to kickstart your DIY toothpaste journey:

3 tablespoons of coconut oil (solid but soft)

1 tablespoon of baking soda

1 tablespoon of xylitol powder (to sweeten and help combat harmful bacteria)

15-20 drops of peppermint essential oil (for flavor and freshness)

A pinch of sea salt (optional for added minerals)


  • In a small bowl, mix the coconut oil and baking soda until you get a paste-like consistency.
  • Add the xylitol powder and mix well. If it’s your first time using xylitol, start with less and adjust according to taste.
  • Mix in the peppermint essential oil for a fresh flavor. You can adjust the amount based on your preference.
  • If using, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt into the mixture and combine thoroughly.

Store your DIY toothpaste in a small jar or a reusable squeeze tube. To use, just scoop a small amount onto your toothbrush and brush as usual. This simple recipe offers a natural, effective way to maintain your dental health without the unnecessary additives found in commercial toothpaste.

What is The Smiles Movement?

The Smiles Movement is an initiative dedicated to improving dental care in underserved communities. It operates under the belief that everyone deserves access to quality dental health services, regardless of their economic status. By focusing on the use of safe and effective toothpaste ingredients, the movement emphasizes the importance of preventive dental care that’s accessible and beneficial for all. Joining The Smiles Movement not only supports the mission of spreading smiles through better dental health but also contributes directly to enhancing the well-being of communities that lack basic dental care facilities. It’s a way to make a tangible difference, promoting healthier lives through improved oral hygiene practices.

Join The Smiles Movement and make a difference. Together, we can promote healthier smiles across the globe! Download the Smiles Movement brochure to learn more about how you can get involved and make an impact.

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